2021 ARRL September VHF


The contest started off a bit on the slow side Saturday and mostly on FT8. Without much to speak of for band openings and hearing little activity outside of FT8, it really seemed like it could be a boring contest.

Ended up getting home late Saturday to grab a few hours sleep holding out hope for a better Sunday. Woke up later than I would have liked and wondered into the shack to check on the propagation maps. Bright red covering the grid corner I had planned on heading to and everything south from TX to the east coast. With that, I headed off to a spot closer to home to take advantage of the bands while I could in case the conditions burned off like they tend to do in the morning.

As it turns out the bands would hold strong well into the afternoon and I had a blast chasing the various stations throughout the south. The one that stands out, as I’m sure is true for many folks, was AA4ZZ. Just wow…

Sat: EN41 EN40 EN51 EN50
Sun: EM58 EM59 EM49 EM48

Flex 6600 / Q5 Signal 5BVUX
50 - 100w - Par Moxon @ 12’
144 - 25w - Directive Systems 6el Rover Yagi @ 10’
222 - 25w - Directive Systems 10el Rover Yagi @ 8’
432 - 25w - Directive Systems 15el Rover Yagi @ 6'

Thanks to everyone for the Qs